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Weekly News Nov. 18th to 24th


I hope this finds everyone rested after our first week of official practice. We had a very productive week of practice and look forward to the next step in the process. I wanted to take just a few seconds to go over a few general information points as we head into this week.

  • We start morning practices this week as well as afternoon practices. There are 3 days a week everyone is expected to attend morning practice. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Please check website for specific start time (Tomorrow is 6:15am on deck). Tuesday & Thursday will be select groups and everyone on the team has been told those specifics (we will review again with everyone at tomorrow afternoon practice who is expected to attend those mornings). These are lifting days and our newest swimmers will be slowly integrated into the lifting program as they get stronger in the water.

  • Afternoon practices will be Monday-Thursday for everyone from 2:45p (on deck) to 5:00p. There is potential for some groups to finish at 4:30p due to the new workload, but we will communicate that with them as we move through these 2-a-day practices. Friday we will have no afternoon practice as we will only practice Friday AM for everyone. We will also practice Saturday since we are in official season.

  • We will have our parent meeting this week on Thursday after practice around 5:15pm. We will go over the rules, regulations, and policies (which are on the website for your review at anytime) and go over parent involvement as we head into meets starting the weekend of Thanksgiving.

  • IN 4 hours the store for the team suits and warm-up jacket closes. The only thing required is a team suit (brief or Jammer) We do not issue team warm-ups, so if your new a warm-up would be suggested and something you can put your name on and keep forever. As about 5 minutes ago we have 27 or our 32 team members who have made a suit purchase. Please get that done. If not taken care of, the athlete will miss meets till they get a suit. This is an IHSAA uniform rule, so please take care of this. The login information is below.

  • Please go to

  • Use the Online Team Store Login on the left tab

  • Use Sale Code: 9N83G

  • We have a team/fan spirit wear site as well. Nothing is required but we wanted to make sure everyone showed their team spirit, both athletes and fans. While the flyer that was sent home (assuming the athlete picked them up) says the store closes tonight, it does not. It is open till Wednesday at midnight, so feel free to take a look and order anything you might like. Their are both men's and women’s options available. The login information is below.

  • Please go to

  • Use the Online Team Store Login on the left tab

  • Use Sale Code: RSS85​

*I did want to make one additional point for both sites. If there are any finical issues with the student athlete or the family, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or Mrs. Walker and we will work with you to make sure the athlete is taken care of. We can look at different options and get everything taken care of. We do not want finances to be a reason we don’t have someone on the team.

I think this covers it for now. If you are looking for more specific information, please see our website at It is updated daily and is a vital part of keeping everyone in the loop of what’s going on. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

DIVERS~I don’t think this needs to be said, but clearly your practice schedule is based off of what coach Chappo has told you. Everything else will apply.

Thanks and see everyone in the morning!

Coach Nellessen, Coach Walker, Coach Chappo, and Coach Davis

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