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Weekly News Dec. 2nd to Dec. 7th


Weekly News Dec. 2nd to Dec. 7th

Evening! I hope this update finds everyone well rested and not overly stuffed after the Thanksgiving Break. We had a great weekend, and a very succesful first meet. We were very please with our effort and how we didn’t have 1 DQ or false start the whole meet. Pretty impressive considering 50% of our team has never swam a high school meet. We have another busy week to look forward to with meets and practice, so please keep checking remind and the website for any changes.

  • We have 2 meets this week. Tuesday is at Lake Central high school for a conference dual meet. Saturday is at Munster High School for the Munster relays. Tuesdays meet will be very much like the Hobart meet. Saturdays Munster Relays will be a different format all together. We plan to swim everyone who is eligible on Tuesday. Saturday we will do our best to get as many people in that meet as possible, but with the different events & those events all being relays, it might be more of a challenge for us. Line-ups will be out ASAP so you know and if you are swimming those 2 meets.

  • Don’t forget to bring your bus snacks and water for the snack bin. Make sure you let Mrs. Walker know that you brought them and where you put them so she can put you on the list to get those snacks on the way home from the meet.

  • Team appeal and WU jackets will hopefully be coming in at the end of the week. As I know more I will pass that along.

  • Parent sign-up sheets for fruit bus snack as well as timers for home meets are on the website. Their will be more info/needs on parent involvement as we move forward, but we will get the information out to you as we go. Please get signed up ASAP.

  • Final results and team stats will be placed on the website the night of OR the next morning of that meet for your review. I will also try to send them out on remind.

  • Christmas Break schedule should be posted no later then tomorrow after practice.

  • Last but not least, please keep your eye on the website and the schedule for practice times and who will need to attend what practices.

Have a great week and as always, If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact the coaching staff!

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