To allow the most flexibility for families we are offering 2 different parent meetings times this year. Our parent meetings are scheduled for Wednesday October 30th at 5:30 pm as well as November 13th at 5:30 pm in the hospitality classroom attached to the VAC. You only need to attend 1 of the 2 meetings as the information will be the same for both, but are welcome to come to both. The meeting will take between 30-45 minutes, and it is highly recommended that parents attend to ask any questions and get information about the upcoming season. We will also hear from the newly created Swimming & Diving Booster Club on parent support for the team and how you can be involved. The information that coaches will go over is on the website. The information the lead parents will review with you will be posted on the website after the meeting. Swimmers are more than welcome to attend as well. For all info regarding diving, please see coach Chappo.
We hope to see you there!